Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vintage Find Part I

Guess how much this baby is...

I chanced upon this beautiful suitcase last weekend.

Saturday began early.  My friend invited us over to her place for breakfast and, more importantly, warm cups of Nespresso.  We crossed the border after we had our fill and visited the Ferney-Voltaire Farmer's Market in France. The variety of cheeses, meats and vegetables that the vendors were hawking was incredible.  Unfortunately, I: a. was beyond my budget for the week; and b. had no euros whatsoever, so I did nothing but look.

An hour and ten freezing toes later (it drizzled), we returned to Geneva and met up with R and T for lunch.  R is a wonderful cook and on the menu for that day were Bicol Express and fried fish.  We passed by two stores on the way to their house and this is what I lucked into:

The outside.

The inside.

Any guesses as to how much?

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