Sunday, November 7, 2010


This arrived on Tuesday.

 My friend brought me to a dégustation de produits gastronomiques et oenologiques de Florence  a few weeks ago.  A gentleman from Florence schedules these food and wine tasting events every so often wherein he invites people to sample organic products which he himself brings to Geneva.  He then takes your order and a few weeks later, voilá!

I ordered saucisson à l'ail (garlic sausage)saucisse de thym (thyme sausage), saucisse d'agneau (lamb sausage) with a few bottles of wine.  

Sausages are such a welcome blessing when you don't know how to cook.  They make for the easiest of meals though they are no doubt not the healthiest. Beggars cannot be choosers after all and so those of us who are not so knowledgeable in the kitchen will have to make do.

These sausages are organic so they should, in some way, be healthier than most.

The wines were Vacqueyras (2006).  This was the last wine we tasted during the degustation and he, undoubtedly, saved the best for last.  As with most degustations, we started with the lighter-flavored wines and slowly progressed to the stronger and more flavorful ones.  Each individual is, of course, entitled to his own preference but I found (perhaps I was already intoxicated at this point) that this was what appealed to me the most.

1 comment:

  1. A!!! Your Marengos didn't make it in time for Joyce's officemate's flight! :( But it'll be here na kuno tomorrow. Would you know anyone else leaving for Geneva soon? Or puede sad nako ipadala. Wucha think? Message me!!! :)
