Sunday, October 17, 2010

Château de Chillon


Château de Chillon is an architectural jewel ten minutes north of the center of Montreux.  It sits on the shores of Lake Geneva with the snow-capped Alps providing a magnificent background.     

Explicit reference to the castle was first made in 1150 when it was said that the Counts of Savoy controlled it, having acquired the rights to it, or sharing them with the sires of Blonay.  During the 13th century, the Counts of Savoy conquered most of the territory of Vaud, divided as it was into a number of small seigneuries.  This marked the beginning of Savoy domination over approximately two-thirds of the territory which makes up today’s French-speaking Switzerland.  

This picture was taken in what used to be a cellar and a store.  The Gothic vault design of this cellar dates back to the 13th century.  

This is the rock on which the castle was built.  This was taken in what used to be a storehouse.  The room was originally used to store goods and doubled as a shelter for the garrison.  It was later used as an arsenal for the Bernese squadron.

The postern gate.  Postern gates are small doors built into the castle wall or fortification allowing the castle's occupants to unload goods or, if necessary, escape via the lake as they did in 1536 when the castle was taken by the Bernese.

Bonivard's Prison.  This prison owes its fame to the English poet Lord Byron who, in 1816, recounted the tale of captivity of Francois Bonivard (1493-1570) in this underground cellar in his poem, "The Prisoner of Chillon".

This crypt was discovered during excavations at the end of the 19th century.  It was part of a chapel which probably dated from the 11th century and served the village of Chillon.  Today, only remnants of the alter and the stairs remain.

Medieval tapestries inside the constable's dining room.  This room was previously used for habitation.  It was used as a dining room for the chatelain during the Savoy period.  It was divided into two and used as a kitchen and a sitting room during the Bernese period.

The Savoy coat of arms.  15th century.

More pictures...

Disclaimer:  These pictures were taken with a point-and-shoot camera.  The factual information on Château de Chillon do not belong to the author of this post.

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